Celebrating 20 Years!

Twenty years ago this month culminated a two year educational experience, which earned me the title of professional massage therapist and the humble beginnings of Raining Faith Massage. Soon afterward I attained an Associates Degree and became Nationally Certified. The real education, however, came putting hands on clients. Nothing replaces clinical experience and I estimate I’ve performed well over 11,000 massages in the past twenty years.

I’ve been practicing since before the advent of massage franchises and have always put a priority on relationships. These relationships have been the key to success with hands-on work.

2020 brought some hiccups and most people’s lives were derailed for a period of time, mine included. However, common sense and education allowed me to re-open my practice quickly. 2021 has been one of my busiest years ever. I’ve expanded into two new areas of practice which have helped me grow personally.

One day a week I work with clients that have spinal cord injuries. They’ve taught me to cherish each day because life can take an unexpected turn in the blink of an eye. Additionally, I’ve been reminded to never give up. I also work with two clients in a long term care facility. For them, life is isolated and their families may not be nearby. I’m reminded about the importance of friends, family and relationships. This brings us full circle back to my entire client base. All of you help to make my practice fulfilling and something of which I am very proud. You’ve kept me busy with a thriving practice!

In the past year I’ve intentionally backed off on heavy marketing and emails. I see more people checking the box for no email contact and I know I’ve unsubscribed to many lists as well. And frankly, you have been keeping me busy working at the massage table and bringing me new clients.

However, I want to say thank you for helping me to become a success in my craft. More people than ever are seeking massage in what has become, at times, a very different world to live in. Massage fills physical, emotional and spiritual needs. I see this every day.

My hope is to keep going strong for another ten years! I’m grateful for a strong, healthy body and balance in my life. A career of thirty years would be an amazing benchmark for me and my business.

Finally, as a way of saying thank you I’m extending a code for $20 off your next scheduled appointment. Just enter the code 20years where it says redeem coupon. This coupon expires on 3/31/22. Again, thank you from the bottom of my heart. The healing, the laughs, the transformations and friendship make it a joy to work each day. You make all the difference!

One Reply to “Celebrating 20 Years!”

  1. I love that I’m a long time client (and hopefully long time friend too)! The years have flown by, the aches and pains have changed through the years. The laughter and healing remain steadfast all these years! I approve of that 10 year plan!!! Blessings to you (and Pam)!

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